
dtv.remote.api.js 0.0.1

Copyright 2011 Jeremy Whitlock

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

dtv.remote.api.js is a client for the DirecTV remote control API. The purpose of this module is to provide full access all available HTTP API endpoints known. Since DirecTV does not provide any official/public documentation, this effort was made possible by two documents available online:

(function() {


Establish the root object, window in the browser, or global on the server.

    var root = this;

Save the previous value of the DirecTV variable.

    var previousDirecTV = root.DirecTV;

The top-level namespace. All public DirecTV classes and modules will be attached to this.

Note: This needs to be exported for CommonJS and Node.js.

    var DirecTV = root.DirecTV = {};

Underscore owns the _ variable.

    var _ = root._;

jQuery owns the $ variable.

Note: This needs to be handled on the server-side via a special object.

    var $ = root.jQuery;

Current version number.

    DirecTV.VERSION = '0.0.1';

Run DirecTV in noConflict mode, returning the previous value of DirecTV.

    DirecTV.noConflict = function() {
        root.DirecTV = previousDirecTV;
        return this;

This is the DirecTV remote object. The options object must have an ipAddress attribute that is a valid IP address for a DirecTV set-top-box. An Error will be thrown if the ipAddress attribute is not passed. No validation of the ipAddress occurs at this stage nor is validation automatic. If you wish to validate the ipAddress, use the DirecTV.Remote.validate() method.

    DirecTV.Remote = function(options) {
        options || (options = {}); // Default options to an empty object if not supplied

Require that the ipAddress option be passed (unvalidated).

        if (!options.ipAddress) {
            throw new Error('options.ipAddress is not optional.');

Create a unique identifier

        this.rid = _.uniqueId('dtvr');
        this.ipAddress = options.ipAddress;

Attach all inheritable methods to the Remote prototype.

    _.extend(DirecTV.Remote.prototype, {

These commands are based on the documentation listed in the DirecTV Set-Top-Box Information for the Installer document. Since this document was generated in 2008, I am sure this list could be out of date but for now I can only add what is documented. This list is here purely for reference.

        Commands : [
            'FA81', // Standby
            'FA82', // Active
            'FA83', // GetPrimaryStatus
            'FA84', // GetCommandVersion
            'FA87', // GetCurrentChannel
            'FA90', // GetSignalQuality
            'FA91', // GetCurrentTime
            'FA92', // GetUserCommand
            'FA93', // EnableUserEntry
            'FA94', // DisableUserEntry
            'FA95', // GetReturnValue
            'FA96', // Reboot
            'FAA5', // SendUserCommand
            'FAA6', // OpenUserChannel
            'FA9A', // GetTuner
            'FA8A', // GetPrimaryStatusMT
            'FA8B', // GetCurrentChannelMT
            'FA9D', // GetSignalQualityMT
            'FA9F', // OpenUserChannelMT

These holds are based on the documentation listed in the DirecTV SHEF Command Set Public Beta document. Since this document was generated in 2010, I am sure this list could be out of date but fornow I can only add what is documented. This list is here purely for reference.

        Holds : [
            'keyUp', // Simulates releasing a key
            'keyDown', // Simulates pressing and holding a key
            'keyPress' // Simulates pressing a key and then releasing a key

These keys are based on the documentation listed in the DirecTV SHEF Command Set Public Beta document. Since this document was generated in 2010, I am sure this list could be out of date but for now I can only add what is documented. This list is here purely for reference.

        Keys : [

DirecTV.Remote Methods

All methods in this section are required to pass in a callback function in the options for each method invocation. Since we're using jsonp in the browser, which mandates an asynchronous request, the callback is used to handle the request's response. The response object will either be a valid payload from the DirecTV API call or an object mirroring the status object in every DirecTV API response which contains the following attributes:

  • code: The HTTP status code of the request
  • commandResult: The result of the command, UNIX style
  • msg: The human readable message indicating the request status
  • query: The portion of the request after the port in the URL

Every response to every callback will have at least the status attribute mentioned above and it will be what you use to check if a request was a succes or failure.

Validate the ipAddress configured with this DirecTV.Remote instance. This is done first by using a regular expression to validate that the ipAddress is a valid IPv4 IP address. If that succeeds, we will then try to contact the DirecTV set-top-box.

        validate : function(options) {
            var path = '/info/getOptions';
            var oldCallback;

            if (!/^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)/.test(this.ipAddress)) {
                    status : {
                        code          : 405,
                        commandResult : 1,
                        msg           : 'Not a valid IP address',
                        query         : path

We have to validate the callback option here since we have to do some callback juggling so we can deliver customized messages based on the result of the request.

            if (!options.callback || typeof options.callback !== 'function') {
                throw new Error('options.callback is not optional and must be a function.');

The callback passed in so we can invoke it later with our customized response object.

            oldCallback = options.callback;

            options.callback = function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
                var response;

                if (data.options) {

We got a valid response.

                    response = {
                        status : {
                            code          : 200,
                            commandResult : 0,
                            msg           : 'Host is a DirecTV set-top-box',
                            query         : path
                } else {

We got a valid response but it did not have the expected payload.

                    response = {
                        status : {
                            code          : 404,
                            commandResult : 1,
                            msg           : 'Host does not appear to be a DirecTV set-top-box',
                            query         : path

Fire the callback with our customized response


                path    : path,
                options : options

Retrieve the list of DirecTV set-top-box locations the set-top-box is aware of.

        getLocations : function(options) {
                path    : '/info/getLocations',
                options : options

Retrieve the current software version information for the DirecTV set-top-box.

        getVersion : function(options) {
                path    : '/info/getVersion',
                options : options,

Retrieve the operating mode the DirecTV set-top-box is currently operating in.

        getMode : function(options) {
                path    : '/info/mode',
                options : options

Send a remote key press request to the DirecTV set-top-box. The key option is required and must be valid. For available keys see the available keys portion of the documentaiton. You can also pass in a hold option but it is not required. For available holds, see the available holds portion of the documentation.

        processKey : function(options) {
            if (options && !options.key) {
                throw new Error('options.key is not optional.');

                path    : '/remote/processKey',
                options : options

Sends a serial command request to the DirecTV set-top-box. The cmd option is required and must be valid. For available commands see the available commands portion of the documentaiton.

        processCommand : function(options) {
            if (options && !options.cmd) {
                throw new Error('options.cmd is not optional.');

                path    : '/serial/processCommand',
                options : options

Retrieve the list of available APIs the DirecTV set-top-box supports.

        getOptions : function(options) {
                path    : '/info/getOptions',
                options : options

Retrieve the current program information for the channel given. The major option is required and corresponds to the channel you want to get programming information for.

        getProgInfo : function(options) {
            if (options && !options.major) {
                throw new Error('options.major is not optional.');

                path    : '/tv/getProgInfo',
                options : options

Retrieves the current program information for the currently tuned channel.

        getTuned : function(options) {
                path    : '/tv/getTuned',
                options : options

Send a request to tune the DirecTV set-top-box to the channel specified. The major option is required and corresponds to the channel you wish to tune to.

        tune : function(options) {
            if (options && !options.major) {
                throw new Error('options.major is not optional.');

                path    : '/tv/tune',
                options : options

Helper Methods

The methods in this section are helper methods.

        makeRequest : function(requestOptions) {
            requestOptions || (requestOptions = {}); // Default options to an empty object if not supplied
            requestOptions.options || (requestOptions.options = {}); // Default options to an empty object if not supplied

            var requestUrl = 'http://' + this.ipAddress + ':8080';
            var requestQuery = requestOptions.path;
            var requestComplete = false;

This is the currently known list of available request parameters that can be specified in all DirecTV.Remote methods.

            var knownRequestParams = [
            var i;

This should never happen but just in case someone uses makeRequest directly in an invalid way...

            if (!requestOptions.options.callback || typeof requestOptions.options.callback !== 'function') {
                throw new Error('requestOptions.options.callback is not optional and must be a function.');

This should never happen but just in case someone uses makeRequest directly in an invalid way...

            if (!requestOptions.path) {
                throw new Error('requestOptions.path is not optional.');

Create query params based on known request options

            if (_.intersection(knownRequestParams, _.keys(requestOptions.options)).length > 0) {
                requestQuery += '?';

            for (i = 0; i < knownRequestParams.length; i++) {
                var requestParam = knownRequestParams[i];

                if (requestOptions.options.hasOwnProperty(requestParam)) {
                    if (requestQuery.charAt(requestQuery.length - 1) !== '?') {
                        requestQuery += '&';

                    requestQuery += (requestParam + '=' + requestOptions.options[requestParam]);

Make the call, asynchronously, and fire the callback with the results.

                cache    : true,
                dataType : 'jsonp',
                url      : requestUrl + requestQuery,
                type     : 'GET',
                success  : function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
                    requestComplete = true;


jQuery doesn't call the error or complete callbacks for jsonp requests when things go wrong. This is our backup for such situations.

            setTimeout(function() {
                if (!requestComplete) {
                    var result = {
                        status : {
                            code : 404,
                            msg           : 'Invalid request (' + requestUrl +
                                '): The request was either for a non-DirecTV ' +
                                'set-top-box, was for an invalid endpoint of ' +
                                'a DirecTV set-top-box or the parameter(s) ' +
                                'passed to the endpoint were invalid.',
                            commandResult : 1,
                            query : requestQuery

            }, 5000);
